Discover the power of perfectly timed emails

Hope this email finds you at just the right time!


Email marketing is a powerful tool, and as savvy business owners and marketers like us know, it's not just about what you say - it's about when you say it. Remember our friend Stefan from "Sweet Corner"? His email marketing strategy didn't just involve personalized content. He also found that sending emails at the right time made a world of difference. Let me share his story.


Stefan had a solid email strategy, but he noticed that his open and click-through rates weren't as high as he expected. He realized that while his emails were personalized and engaging, they were getting lost in the sea of emails that flooded his customers' inboxes every day. Stefan wondered: was there an optimal day and time to send emails?


He decided to experiment. Following advice from industry experts and studies, he tried various days and times, analyzing open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. He avoided sending emails during weekends and holidays when people were less likely to check their inbox. Mornings and lunch breaks emerged as promising times - his open rates improved when he sent emails between 9 am and 11 am and during lunch breaks. Late evenings didn't work as well.


But Stefan didn't stop there. He realized that his customer base spanned multiple time zones. So, he adjusted his sending times to match his customers' local time. His efforts paid off. His email engagement rates rose dramatically, contributing to a considerable uptick in foot traffic and sales.


Stefan's journey illustrates how tweaking the timing of your email campaigns can significantly impact their effectiveness. While general guidelines are a great starting point, remember that every audience is unique. It's crucial to continually test and adjust your email send times based on your specific data and audience behavior.


Now, imagine what understanding your audience's habits and tailoring your email timings could do for your business. It's like having a secret sauce that adds that extra 'oomph' to your marketing strategy!


If this story sparked your interest and you're eager to learn more, I've got great news for you. We've created an FAQ that goes deeper into this topic. You'll find it full of useful insights and actionable advice.


Ready to dive in? Click here to read the FAQ.


And remember, if you need personal help, don't hesitate to schedule a free consultation with me. Let's discuss your marketing goals, needs, and challenges and explore how we can overcome them together. 😊


Looking forward to connecting with you soon!



Elizabeta & Natasha







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