Learn from my mistakes not yours

We hope this email finds you well and enjoying the summer.


We want to tell you how we learned to post on social media correctly.


When we started my online business a few years ago, we had no clue how to use social media effectively. We thought the more we posted, the more exposure and engagement we would get. 


So we posted multiple times daily on every platform, hoping to get some traction.


But we got more unfollows and complaints instead of getting more followers and customers. People were annoyed by our constant posting and felt we were spamming them with irrelevant, low-quality content. 


Our social media presence was hurting our brand reputation and my business goals.


We realized we were doing something wrong. We decided to research and learn how to post on social media correctly. 


We discovered no one-size-fits-all answer to how often you should post on social media. It depends on a few factors, such as the platform you're using, your target audience, and the resources you have available.


We also learned general guidelines for each platform based on research and best practices. 


For example, we learned that posting once or twice daily on Instagram is ideal, but posting three to five times daily on Twitter is acceptable. We also learned how to track analytics and adjust posting frequency accordingly.


We applied these tips and techniques to our social media strategy and greatly improved my results. 


Our posts became more relevant, valuable, and engaging to our audience. Our followers increased, our engagement rates soared, and our website traffic grew. 


Our social media presence became an asset for our brand and our business.


That's why we wanted to share this blog post on determining the ideal posting frequency for your social media platforms. This post covers the tips and techniques that helped us transform our social media strategy. 


You can read the post here


We hope you find this post helpful and informative. We would love to hear your feedback and thoughts on it. How often do you post on your social media accounts? 


What challenges or successes have you experienced with your social media strategy?


Please reply to this email and let us know. We look forward to hearing from you soon.


Best regards,

Elizabeta & Natasha



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