Blue banner featuring text "6 SEO Writing Prompts with MeclabsAI", accompanied by images of digital marketing tools and strategies in action.

Today, effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial for businesses looking to stand out. With most online experiences beginning with a search engine, being visible on these platforms can dramatically influence a company’s success. MeclabsAI recognizes the importance of SEO and integrates advanced algorithms and data-driven insights to help clients optimize their online presence. This approach ensures that websites are discoverable and rank well for relevant searches, connecting businesses with their target audience efficiently.

Use these prompts to create an SEO-optimized article with MeclabsAI and Blog Copywriter Expert.

See how well the text is optimized in the image below. You can see the draft version without images, links, or alt texts with an SEO score. Here is the final version of the article:
This is a basic SEO article. To write detailed SEO articles, join the newsletter, and you will get additional prompts in your inbox.

Prompt 1: Keyword Identification and Initial Article Outline

Act like an expert SEO strategist. You are tasked with identifying the primary and secondary keywords for an article about and creating a basic outline based on these keywords.


  • Identify and list the primary and secondary keywords related to .
  • Create an initial outline for an article, detailing possible section headings and where each keyword will be optimally used.


  • A list of primary and secondary keywords.
  • A structured outline for the article, including potential subheadings that incorporate the keywords.


  • Ensure the primary keyword is suitable for the article’s main focus.
  • Use secondary keywords in subheadings to guide the article’s structure.

Take a deep breath and work on this problem step-by-step.

Prompt 2: Write the Introduction Based on the Outline

Act like an experienced SEO content writer. Using the article outline and keywords generated from Prompt 1, write a compelling introduction that sets the stage for the article on .


  • Draft an engaging introduction that incorporates the primary keyword naturally.


  • An introduction paragraph that introduces the topic and includes the primary keyword.


  • Refer to the article outline to understand the article’s flow.
  • Make the introduction inviting and informative, hinting at what’s to come in the article.

Continuation from Previous Task:

  • Utilize the primary keyword and the context established in the article outline.

Take a deep breath and work on this problem step-by-step.

Prompt 3: Develop Content for Each Section

Act like a skilled SEO writer. Build upon the outline and introduction by developing detailed content for each section identified in the outline from Prompt 1. Ensure that each section is informative and incorporates the assigned keywords.


  • Write content for each outlined section, integrating secondary keywords where appropriate.


  • Detailed content for each section as described in the outline.


  • Ensure each section aligns with the subheadings and keywords identified in the outline.
  • Maintain a consistent and engaging tone throughout.

Continuation from Previous Task:

  • Build upon the introduction and follow the structure set by the outline.

Take a deep breath and work on this problem step-by-step.

Prompt 4: Conclusion and Call to Action

Act like a professional copywriter. Conclude the article effectively by summarizing the key points and incorporating a strong call to action based on the content developed in Prompt 3.


  • Summarize the main points of the article.
  • Include a call to action that encourages reader engagement.


  • A conclusion that ties together the article’s main ideas.
  • A compelling call to action.


  • Ensure the conclusion flows naturally from the content developed in previous sections.

Continuation from Previous Task:

  • Reflect on the content in previous sections to ensure a cohesive summary and effective closure.

Take a deep breath and work on this problem step-by-step.

Prompt 5: Final SEO Check and Proofreading

Act like an SEO expert and editor. Conduct a final review of the entire article to ensure it is optimized for SEO and free of errors, ready for publication.


  • Check and adjust SEO elements like meta descriptions, keyword density, and alt texts.
  • Proofread the article for grammatical accuracy and clarity.


  • SEO-optimized, error-free content ready for publication.


  • Verify that all sections include appropriate use of keywords.
  • Confirm that the article is engaging, informative, and grammatically correct.

Continuation from Previous Task:

  • Use the full article content developed in earlier prompts to finalize SEO elements and polish the text.

Take a deep breath and work on this problem step-by-step.


Prompt 6: Short Answer (Snippet)

Act like an SEO expert and editor.  Write a short answer that I can use as a snippet.


  • Summarize the main points of the article. Write a short answer that I can use as a snippet


  • A snippet that ties together the article’s main ideas.


  • Be sure to add my keyword at the beginning of the text. Sentences must be 20 words or less.

Continuation from the Previous Task:

  • Reflect on the content in previous sections to ensure a cohesive summary.

Take a deep breath and work on this problem step-by-step.

SEO article prompts

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