What should a buyer persona include

Don’t try to serve everyone. Your message will be uninspiring and unconvincing. Instead, commit to helping a specific client/customer with a specific problem and zero in on that. Your first task when creating your marketing strategy will be to create your buyer persona, looking for what should a buyer persona include. The buyer persona is a fictional representation of your ideal customer.


Buyer personas will help your company to create a targeted customer base. In addition, they will help your sales team to understand your customers and customer service teams to solve customers’ problems quickly. Also, they will contribute to product development.



The biggest mistake many marketers make is to promote to the board niche without knowing their target audience. They don’t know anything about their “dream client” or “ideal customer,” so they create board offers that are not tailored to a specific group of people and waste their time and money until they realize no one is interested in their product.


When I started with affiliate marketing, I thought I would find the product, everyone would need it, and I would make money. So I picked the most popular product from Click Bank, created the offer, and promoted it on my socials. Do you know what happened? I promoted, promoted, promoted… without getting anywhere. Please don’t make my mistake. Don’t pick the most popular product or service and start with promoting. Instead, learn how to advertise to potential customers.


According to Dr. Joe Vitale, there are 26 reasons why people buy anything. This will be the starting point of your marketing efforts and for finding what should a buyer persona include


Reasons why people buy anything


1. To make money. 

2. To save money.

3. To save time.

4. To avoid effort.

5. To increase comfort.

6. To achieve greater cleanliness.

7. To attain better health.

8. To escape physical pain.

9. To gain praise.

10. To be popular.

11. To attract the opposite sex.

12. To conserve possessions.

13. To increase enjoyment.

14. To gratify curiosity.

15. To protect the family.

16. To be in style.

17. To have or hold beautiful possessions.

18. To satisfy the appetite.

19. To emulate others.

20. To avoid trouble.

21. To avoid criticism.

22. To be an individual.

23. To protect reputation.

24. To take advantage of opportunities.

25. To have safety.

26. To make work easier.

Your product/service must satisfy only one of these reasons if you want people to buy it.


buyer persona

What next?


So you must decide which of these reasons will be connected to your offers. You must have your buyer persona (dream customer or avatar) who wants to solve that particular problem or escape the pain. If your offer is too broad, you will get only clicks from curious people and nothing more. If your offer is connected with your dream customer and solves the problem of your avatar, they will pay to escape the pain or get a better lifestyle.


Now we can create your avatar and defined buyer persona. As I mentioned before, you can’t serve everyone. You must be an authority in your niche and select which part of your niche you will be an expert in. 


Don’t skip this part. Building an avatar for your ideal customer is one of the most important things you will do in your business. It will become the core of your marketing messages and offerings. Your avatar is the filter through which all the other elements of your business are run. That is why you must know what should a buyer persona include.


So, your buyer persona or avatar is your dream customer. It is the person who will buy your products/services. That is why you need to create your buyer personas first and Decide what to create to solve their




These questions will help you create your avatar. 


1) What Should a Buyer Persona Include About?



Pick a name. This is really important because you will feel like you are creating offers for a real person. Picture your avatar and give them a name.


What’s their gender? Think about creating man and woman avatars separately if you want to create offers for both genders


What are their ages? Pick the range of years (for example, 20-30, 35-55, or so on)


What is the highest degree or level of school your avatar has completed? You need to know how to create offers they will understand


What’s their marital status? You can’t offer training about parenthood to a single person without kids.


How many children do they have? At which age are their children? How will your offer improve their kids’ or their lives by solving their problems?


Where are they located? Do they live in the country or the city


What’s a quote they would say? What’s a statement that reflects the way they speak?


What books do they read? Write a list of 3-5 books


What blogs do they go to? Put here 3-5 links


Who do they look up to?


What is their lifestyle? How hard do they want to keep it or improve it?


Their social media habits. In which socials do they congregate 


How they relax 


How much do they make each year?


Their Business 


To get a closer look at your avatar’s business identity, the app about their job title and business will help you.


Now summarize the answers above and describe How you will help your avatar.


Buer Persona identity what should a buyer persona include

What next?


1) First, describe the ideal client/customer (buyer persona). Think about this. Write what is important for you, your client/customer, to be. Think about your clients. Do you have some of them who satisfy your desires as an ideal client/customer? What they have, the other clients don’t have.


For example,


Fred is a 35-year-old small business owner who sells digital products online. He is married with two kids and lives in the city. Fred has a lot of friends, and he can afford to go to restaurants and go on vacation twice a year in exclusive hotels. He wants to wear branded clothes and spend more time with his family. Fred is open to being taught and is willing to put money into his business and marketing campaigns to improve his online offers and marketing skills.



2) Describe your work’s result to your client/customer in one sentence. Put the thing where they are now and where they want to be the most by answering these questions


What is their main focus now ( lead generation, more sales, health, weight loss…)


In what stage of their lives are they currently in?


What is their long-term goal?


What immediate results do they want to get?




Fred wants to improve his online business ( at which point he is now) and become an 8-figure earner (long-term desire) with marketing campaigns ( his focus) to get more leads and sales (immediate results)


or use this template


My client/customer(s) ( who want) blank (so that) blank


For Example


Affiliate marketers who want to get more leads and commission from their offers so that they can grow their business and wealth faster


Small business owners who want to get more income from their marketing campaigns so that they can earn more with free and paid ads or


The result that your client/customer will get from your offer is the first blank in this equation.


2) What Should a Buyer Persona Include About Buyer Persona’s Pains And Problems




Your job is to identify their problems and solve them with your offer. You must offer them something irresistible which will solve all their pains. Try to think in the way your ideal customer would think and answer these questions:


What is the biggest problem your client/customer (Buyer Persona) has right now? Write down all their problems.


  • Their internal problems, For Example, They don’t have enough clients/existing customers to sustain their business. They are overweight, unwell, and unhealthy. They don’t have enough money. Their relationship is on the rocks and heading for divorce, etc.


  • Their external problems: Their external problems are people, software, competitors


What keeps them awake at night? They can’t pay the debts, cards, can’t find the money for resources…, can’t approach the person they love, can’t pay for their kids’ scholarship…


What are they afraid of? For Example, there will be no solution to grow the business in the way they operate now, and they will quit,


What things do your client/customer (Customer Persona) no longer want to experience/ deal with? (feelings, actions, interactions, circumstances, tasks) Owerhelmed, depending on everything on him, wasting time on unprofitable tasks, spending little time with the family,


What are they angry about? Who are they angry at? Some competitor or software…


What are their top three daily frustrations? How to get more clients/customers, more leads, find reliable traffic sources.


What trends are occurring and can occur in their lives or businesses? Their niche has a lot of competition, and it is harder to sell the same products/services in the same way and at the same price; they can lose their lifestyle if this trend continues.


Who is their competition, and how it sells similar products/services? There is a lot of competition, and the market is overwhelmed with similar products. You need to search for your customer competitors, see their offers, and how they promote them. ( we will cover this in the next lesson)


What does your ideal client/customer (Buyer Persona) believe will happen if they do not succeed? They will lose their investment, They will lose their lifestyle, will need to look for a daily job, and spend less time with family and friends.


Why is it important that she/he fix this problem now? What are the consequences of waiting or continuing on like they are? (emotional, financial, relationship, business, or health)They will raise the income and solve the debt problem. This will allow them to outsource nonprofitable work and spend more time with their family and friends.


Summarize the answers above and answer how your business will help them and solve their pains


For Example,


Your offer will help Fred to check the competitors, find USP, create better sales pages with irresistible offers, and improve his marketing campaigns. As a result, he will get more leads, a 10-20% increase in revenue. He will keep and improve his lifestyle, outsource nonprofitable tasks and spend more time with their family and friends.




3) What Should a Buyer Persona Include About Buyer Persona’s Objections & Roadblocks in the Purchasing Process



You must find what stops your customers from accepting your offer. You must find their internal and external objection and roadblocks and answer all answers they may have and stop them from moving forward?:


Do they need approval from someone else to accept your offer, or can they buy your offer directly? Who is in charge of purchasing decisions?


What are the biggest obstacles and roadblocks that stand in the way of your client/customer getting the results they want? Do they lack information, motivation, a strategy? Be specific. For Example, they afraid they don’t have a chance to stand out from the crowd, they believe they can’t offer something compelling, they don’t have a big investment fund… they will waste time and money on social media, and so on.


Who are your competitors for this offer? Name 3-5. Link to their website. Analyze their offers to see what you can offer better ( you can learn more about this in the next lessons)


What does your client/customer NOT like about some of the other services, products, or businesses in your niche?  He doesn’t believe in getting rich schemes, pyramid offers, big promises…


Has your perfect client had other experiences with business or services like yours? He invested and didn’t get the desired results…


What didn’t they like about those experiences? The competition doesn’t consult him about every step in the offer, doesn’t create his perfect Avatar, doesn’t give them the results they promised.


How does your offering need to be unique or different in order for your perfect client/customer (Buyer Persona) to invest in you? Done with you offer



For Example


Your offer with USP will help Fred to stand out from the crowd. It will be unique and reach targeted people. It will be a “done with you offer” so he can learn how to scale his business in the future with only one investment. He will get his money back if your campaign doesn’t give him any results. 



4) What Should a Buyer Persona Include About Their Short Term and Long Term Desires



Where they want to be (short-term and long-term goals)


Their short-term desires- in 3-6 months from now, What will be the immediate results they will get with your offer? For them to accept your offer, you must offer them something achievable they want and need NOW. No one will buy something unachievable NOW to satisfy their long-term desire and wait for years to achieve it


Their Long term desires – Their vision Their deeper desires which would make your client/customer feel completely fulfilled. Be specific and not general. If money, how much? (could be emotional, financial, relationships, career, or wellness)


What are the four to five areas that you focus on in your work to get your client/customer the result they want? Keep these broad. (The specific strategies you use in each area can be customized to the client/customer later.)


What are the biggest tips/ strategies you would give someone who needs to get results quickly? (3-5 steps they could take to turn things around now.)


 What mistakes are your perfect client/customer making right now that keep them stuck (focusing on the wrong area, implementing the wrong strategy, missing the foundation)?


For Example


From 3 months from now, he will increase his ROI, and he can reinvest to get more and more without further investing because of “done with you offer”. He will keep his lifestyle, increase his income, and reach his goal in 1-2 years




5) Merge all parts and get your Ideal Buyer Persona 🙂


buyer persona1 what should a buyer persona include


See how easy it will be to create an Avatar or Buyer Persona if you merge all parts


Fred is a 35 years small business owner who sells digital products online. He is married with two kids and lives in the city. Fred has a lot of friends, and he can afford to restaurants and to go on vacation twice a year in exclusive hotels. He wants to wear branding clothes and spend more time with his family. Fred is coachable and willing to invest in his knowledge and marketing campaigns to raise his business and improve his online offers and marketing skills.


Fred wants to improve his online business ( at which point he is now) and become an 8-figure earner (long-term desire) with marketing campaigns ( his focus) to get more leads and sales (immediate results)


Your offer will help Fred to check the competitors, find USP, create better sales pages with irresistible offers, and improve his marketing campaigns. As a result, he will get more leads, a 10-20% increase in revenue. He will keep and improve his lifestyle, outsource nonprofitable tasks and spend more time with their family and friends. 


 Your offer with USP will help Fred to stand out from the crowd. It will be unique and reach targeted people. It will be a “done with you offer” so he can learn how to scale his business in the future with only one investment. He will get his money back if your campaign doesn’t give him any results. 


From 3 months from now, he will increase his ROI, and he can reinvest to get more and more without further investing because of the “done with you offer”. He will keep his lifestyle, increase his income, and reach his goal in 1-2 years.


Do you see how easy it will be for you to create the irresistible offer now? Your offer will be tailored to your dream customer, you will get more targeted clicks and increase your ROI.


You need time to find your Avatar. But when you find them, you can create a tailored offer according to your customer needs. You will address the offer to your Avatar, solve their pain with it and answer all their questions that may stop them from buying, and show them they will get short-term and long-term results with your offer.



To understand better why you need to create your buyer persona or Avatar, compare these ads. They promote the same product.




In this ad buyer persona is an Entrepreneur who wants to sell their product/services





In this ad buyer persona is the salesperson who wants to boost sales.







Here is another example. Again same product, various ads





The buyer persona here is a person who wants to start with consulting services






The buyer persona here is the consultant who wants to have more clients.









An additional tip if you thinking about your niche


How SHOULD you pick a niche to serve?


I love to have every business I consider go through three “tests”:


  1. Are there 100,000 people in this niche?
  2. Does it have logical products that we could sell?
  3. Can I picture myself working in this niche in three years?


If it is a yes to all of those, then test that niche! Go for it.


Your task: 


Your task is to create your Avatar. Be specific. Answer all questions and create your dream customer. Get A Really Clear Picture of Who You Are Selling To!



Buer Persona Business Guide 

10 Buyer Persona Examples to Help You Create Your Own

Do you need additional help to find what a buyer persona should include?

Do you need help creating your dream customer, and what should a buyer persona include?

If you need additional help, you can contact us  or reach us at


or book a call




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