Black Friday Email Prompts

In the bustling digital marketing landscape, Black Friday is a pivotal moment for businesses to make a significant impact. I’m Elizebeta Kuzevska, certified digital marketing strategist and email marketing specialist, and today we’re diving into the world of Black Friday email prompts, a vital tool in your marketing toolkit. These prompts are not just about crafting messages. They’re about creating connections that convert.

As we approach Black Friday, it’s crucial to understand the power of well-structured email prompts. They can differentiate between a well-received campaign and getting lost in promotions. In this post, we’ll explore how to use Black Friday email prompts to capture attention, engage, and motivate your audience effectively.

But why are Black Friday email prompts so essential, and how can you use them to your advantage? The answer lies in their ability to break through the clutter with targeted, captivating content. As we move forward, I’ll guide you through the process of utilizing these prompts to craft emails that are not just read but remembered and acted upon. Let’s embark on this journey to transform your Black Friday emails into a powerful driver of sales and customer engagement.

Black Friday email prompts

To craft compelling Black Friday emails with these prompts, start by defining a clear customer avatar and value proposition. Center your emails around these elements to truly resonate with your audience.

A typical Black Friday email campaign looks something like this:

  • Email 1: Teaser email sent to all active subscribers ten days before Black Friday
  • Email 2: Early access Black Friday email  sent to all active subscribers on Friday before Black Friday
  • Email 3: Black Friday email sent to trial users (if the company has them) on Monday in the Black Friday week
  • Email 3: Black Friday email sent to existing users (if the company has them) on Monday in the Black Friday week
  • Email 3: Black Friday email sent to all active subscribers on Monday in the Black Friday week
  • Email 4: Countdown email sent three days before Black Friday to all subscribers
  • Email 5: Main offer sent on the morning of Black Friday to potential new users or buyers
  • Email 5: Main offer sent on the morning of Black Friday to existing users and buyers
  • Email 6: Cyber Monday: Reminder sent before your offer ends to all subscribers

Dont mix all active subscribers and all subscribers in this segmentation 🙂

Let’s start

Here is the first prompt.


1) Black Friday Teaser email prompt


PROMPT: Develop a promotional email template for a Black Friday sale, applicable to [value proposition]. The template should resonate with customers seeking to maximize value in their respective fields.
An email should be educational yet captivating, focusing on engaging the reader effectively. The sentences should be concise and easy to understand. The content should not only inform the reader but also engage them in a way that naturally leads to a desired call to action. The tone should be friendly and approachable, and the structure should guide the reader through the content smoothly.

Key elements to include: Don’t mention them in the email. Guide the reader through the content smoothly.
Subject Line: Create a captivating subject line that emphasizes the significance and exclusivity of the Black Friday offers.

Greeting: Include a personal touch with a placeholder for the recipient’s name.

Introduction: Acknowledge the recipient’s commitment to excellence and efficiency in their respective area, whether it’s business, lifestyle, technology, etc.

Unique Selling Points (USP): Highlight what makes the product or service unique in the market, stressing its benefits and how it stands out from competitors.

Black Friday Offers: Position the Black Friday sale as not just a series of discounts but as an opportunity to revolutionize the way recipients engage with your product or service. Focus on features adaptable across industries, like enhanced efficiency, cutting-edge technology, user-friendly design, etc.

Call to Action: Encourage the audience to stay updated for the upcoming Black Friday sale details, creating a sense of anticipation and eagerness.

Closing Statement: Conclude with a motivational or inspirational statement, applicable to any product or service, emphasizing growth, success, or enhancement in the user’s respective field.

Signature: End the email with a customizable sign-off, including a placeholder for the sender’s name and position within the company.

[value proposition]

Let’s put the prompt in the ChatGPT and see the email we will get

Black Friday email prompts1Black Friday email prompts 2jpg

Here is the email I got. As you can see, it is not a common sales Black Friday email. It is tailored according to the value proposition and is unique for my services. I didn’t put the company name in the prompt, and it put it in the brackets.

You usually need to edit every copy from AI to personalize and edit it according to your product or service. For example, I would edit the first paragraph of the email below. It is not according to my criteria for a good hook. But this is an excellent starting point.

Black Friday email 1jpg

chatgpt answer


Here are all the Black Friday email prompts. After the prompts, you can find free Black Friday templates. If you need additional help, contact me for a free consultation.


our lead generation services



2) Prompt for Creating Early Access Black Friday Email:



PROMPT: Compose a promotional email for an early access Black Friday sale that can be applied to  [value proposition or customer avatar].

The email should resonate with customers seeking to maximize value in their respective fields.
An email should be educational yet captivating, focusing on engaging the reader effectively. The sentences should be concise and easy to understand. The content should not only inform the reader but also engage them in a way that naturally leads to a desired call to action. The tone should be friendly and approachable, and the structure should guide the reader through the content smoothly.

Key elements to include: Don’t mention them in the email. Guide the reader through the content smoothly.

Subject Line: Create a compelling subject line that highlights the exclusive early access to Black Friday deals for the recipients.

Greeting: Start with a personalized greeting, including a placeholder for the recipient’s name.

Introduction: Express excitement and acknowledgment of the recipient’s loyalty and value as a customer. Mention that as a token of appreciation, they are being given early access to Black Friday offers.

Early Access Details: Specify the start date of the early access period, emphasizing that this is a special opportunity to access the deals before the general public.

Product/Service Highlights: Describe the key features and benefits of your product or service that will be available during the Black Friday sale. These should be general enough to apply to various types of products/services, such as enhanced performance, superior quality, and innovation.

Exclusive Offers: Emphasize the exclusivity of the offers, suggesting that this is a unique chance to take advantage of special discounts and features.

Call to Action: Encourage the recipients to take advantage of the early access to avoid missing out on the limited deals. Use language that creates urgency and excitement.

Closing Statement: End with an encouraging and uplifting statement, such as “Think Big, Achieve More with [Your Product/Service] this Black Friday!”

Signature: Conclude with a professional sign-off, including a placeholder for the sender’s name and their role or relation to the product or service.

 [ value proposition or customer avatar]


3) Prompt for Creating a Black Friday Email for Trial Users:


PROMPT: Draft a promotional email targeting trial users of  [value proposition or customer avatar], offering them exclusive Black Friday deals to encourage upgrading. The email should convey the value of upgrading from a trial to a full version.

The email should resonate with customers seeking to maximize value in their respective fields.
An email should be educational yet captivating, focusing on engaging the reader effectively. The sentences should be concise and easy to understand. The content should not only inform the reader but also engage them in a way that naturally leads to a desired call to action. The tone should be friendly and approachable, and the structure should guide the reader through the content smoothly.

Key elements to include: Don’t mention them in the email. Guide the reader through the content smoothly.

Subject Line: Craft an engaging subject line that emphasizes an urgent call to action for Black Friday, tailored for trial users.

Greeting: Start with a personalized greeting, inserting a placeholder for the recipient’s name.

Introduction: Express excitement about Black Friday and its relevance to the recipients as trial users of your product or service. Highlight that an exclusive deal is being offered to them.

Special Offer Details: Clearly mention the special offer available to trial users, including a placeholder for the link to the offer. Specify the validity period of the offer, like ‘until November 27th’.

Benefits of Upgrading:

Full Access: Describe the comprehensive features and capabilities that become available upon upgrading.

Enhanced Capabilities: Highlight how upgrading will provide enhanced functionality or integration, benefiting the user in their specific field or activity.

Cost Savings: Emphasize the significant discounts available on upgraded packages during the Black Friday sale.

Encouragement to Upgrade: Motivate trial users to transition from trial mode to full access, explaining how this will contribute to their success in their respective endeavors.

Call to Action: Include a strong call to action encouraging the user to click on the provided link to take advantage of the exclusive offer.

Closing Statement: Conclude with an inspiring message encouraging growth and success and reiterate the benefits of upgrading during Black Friday.

Signature: End with a professional sign-off, including a placeholder for the sender’s name and their role in relation to the product or service.

[value proposition or customer avatar]


3) Prompt for Creating a Black Friday Email for Existing Users:


PROMPT: Compose a promotional email for a Black Friday sale targeted at existing users [value proposition or customer avatar], offering them an exclusive yearly package deal. The email should emphasize the significant value and benefits of opting for a yearly plan.

The email should resonate with customers seeking to maximize value in their respective fields.
An email should be educational yet captivating, focusing on engaging the reader effectively. The sentences should be concise and easy to understand. The content should not only inform the reader but also engage them in a way that naturally leads to a desired call to action. The tone should be friendly and approachable, and the structure should guide the reader through the content smoothly.

Key elements to include: Don’t mention them in the email. Guide the reader through the content smoothly.

Subject Line: Write a compelling subject line that highlights the significance of the Black Friday sale and the special yearly package offer.

Greeting: Start with a personalized greeting, inserting a placeholder for the recipient’s name.

Introduction: Announce the start of the Black Friday sale, emphasizing it as the most incredible offer of the year. Mention the product or service name.

Yearly Package Special: Introduce an exclusive opportunity for users to upgrade to a yearly package at a special Black Friday price. Stress that this offer is a once-a-year opportunity.

Benefits of the Yearly Package:

Unparalleled Value: Highlight the significant cost savings compared to a monthly plan.

Full-Scale Features: Emphasize the comprehensive access to all features, tools, and services offered by your product/service.

Long-Term Success: Describe how committing to a yearly plan will aid in achieving sustained growth and success in their respective field.

Call to Action: Urge users to take advantage of this limited-time offer by upgrading to the yearly package. Include a placeholder for the link to the upgrade offer.

Closing Statement: Encourage users to seize this opportunity to grow and achieve more with your product/service. Use an inspirational statement about making this Black Friday a milestone.

Signature: Conclude with a professional sign-off, including a placeholder for the sender’s name and their role or affiliation with the product/service.

[value proposition or customer avatar]


3) Prompt for Creating a Black Friday Email for Subscribers:


PROMPT: Draft an engaging promotional email for a pre-Black Friday sale, targeting subscribers who are not yet customers [value proposition or customer avatar]. The email should entice them to take advantage of special discounts and make their first purchase.

The email should resonate with customers seeking to maximize value in their respective fields.
An email should be educational yet captivating, focusing on engaging the reader effectively. The sentences should be concise and easy to understand. The content should not only inform the reader but also engage them in a way that naturally leads to a desired call to action. The tone should be friendly and approachable, and the structure should guide the reader through the content smoothly,

Key elements to include: Don’t mention them in the email. Guide the reader through the content smoothly,

Subject Line: Write an eye-catching subject line that highlights the anticipation of Black Friday and the exclusive early savings available for subscribers.

Greeting: Begin with a personal greeting, including a placeholder for the recipient’s first name.

Introduction: Express excitement about the upcoming Black Friday and the opportunity it presents for subscribers to enhance their [relevant field/activity] with your products/services. Mention the significant discount being offered.

Product/Service Benefits:

Highlight key features of your product/service that are relevant to a broad audience, such as ease of use, efficiency, advanced technology, etc.

Emphasize the results or improvements users can expect, like better performance, more accurate results, time-saving aspects, etc.

Mention any unique aspects like exclusive testing capabilities, integration features, or other distinct benefits.

Exclusive Offer Reminder: Stress that this special pricing is a once-a-year opportunity, urging subscribers to take advantage of the offer now.

Value Proposition: Communicate that purchasing your product/service is not just a transaction but an investment in enhancing their [relevant field/activity]. Emphasize how your product/service can significantly improve their operations or activities.

Call to Action: Encourage subscribers to act quickly to take advantage of the pre-Black Friday deals, with a reminder of the limited-time nature of the offer.

Closing: End with a friendly sign-off, reinforcing the idea of investing in their success with your product/service.

Signature: Conclude with a professional signature, including a placeholder for the sender’s name and their role or affiliation with the product/service.

[value proposition or customer avatar]


4) Prompt for Creating a  Pre-Black Friday Email Announcement:


PROMPT: Craft a promotional email for a pre-Black Friday sale, targeting [value proposition or customer avatar]. The email should highlight special discounts and the advantages of using your products or services, emphasizing how they can enhance business strategies or personal efficiency.

The email should resonate with customers seeking to maximize value in their respective fields.
An email should be educational yet captivating, focusing on engaging the reader effectively. The sentences should be concise and easy to understand. The content should not only inform the reader but also engage them in a way that naturally leads to a desired call to action. The tone should be friendly and approachable, and the structure should guide the reader through the content smoothly,

Key elements to include: Don’t mention them in the email. Guide the reader through the content smoothly,

Subject Line: Create an enticing subject line that signals significant savings and the imminent arrival of Black Friday deals.

Greeting: Start with a personalized greeting, including a placeholder for the recipient’s first name.

Introduction: Express excitement for the upcoming Black Friday and encourage recipients to prepare for it by taking advantage of pre-Black Friday deals on your products/services.

Product/Service Benefits:

Detail the key features of your product/service, such as real-time capabilities, precision, and unique testing options.

Emphasize how these features can enhance the recipient’s [relevant field or activity, e.g., marketing strategies, operational efficiency].

Highlight the ease of integration with other tools or platforms relevant to a wide range of industries.

Exclusive Offer Reminder: Remind recipients that these special prices are available only once a year, encouraging them to seize this opportunity.

Value Proposition: Convey that purchasing your product/service is an investment in optimizing business or personal activities enhancing efficiency and ROI.

Call to Action: Urge recipients to take advantage of the pre-Black Friday offers, emphasizing the limited-time nature of these special deals.

Closing: Conclude with a motivational statement about thinking big and achieving more with your product/service.

Signature: End with a professional signature, including a placeholder for the sender’s name and their role or affiliation with the product/service.

[value proposition or customer avatar]


5) Prompt for Creating a Black Friday Email for Existing Users:


PROMPT: Develop a personalized email aimed at existing users of [value proposition or customer avatar], to be sent on the eve of Black Friday. The email should remind them of their smart decision to choose your product/service and encourage them to take advantage of the upcoming Black Friday deals.

The email should resonate with customers seeking to maximize value in their respective fields.
An email should be educational yet captivating, focusing on engaging the reader effectively. The sentences should be concise and easy to understand. The content should not only inform the reader but also engage them in a way that naturally leads to a desired call to action. The tone should be friendly and approachable, and the structure should guide the reader through the content smoothly,

Key elements to include: Don’t mention them in the email. Guide the reader through the content smoothly,

Subject Line: Write a personalized subject line that prepares the recipient for exclusive Black Friday deals, including a placeholder for the recipient’s first name.

Greeting: Start with a direct greeting, addressing the recipient by name.

Reflective Introduction: Begin by reminding them of the day they decided to use your product/service and how it has positively impacted their [relevant field or activity, e.g., online marketing campaigns].

Highlighting Past Challenges: Prompt them to recall the difficulties they faced before using your product/service and how switching has improved their experience or results.

Black Friday Announcement: Announce your special Black Friday deals, emphasizing that this is an exceptional opportunity for them to upgrade or enhance their experience with your product/service.

Engagement and Referral Encouragement: Urge existing users to share their positive experiences with peers and their network, possibly through an affiliate link, to help others benefit from your product/service as they have.

Call to Action for Black Friday: Motivate them to stay alert for the upcoming deals and to take full advantage of them when they go live.

Closing Statement: Conclude with an inspiring message about aiming high and achieving more, reiterating the benefits of your product/service.

Signature: Include a friendly sign-off with a placeholder for the sender’s name and position or relation to the product/service.

[value proposition or customer avatar]


5) Prompt for Creating a Black Friday Email for Potential New Users:


PROMPT: Compose an engaging email targeting potential new users of [value proposition or customer avatar], scheduled to be sent just before Black Friday. The email should introduce a successful user story to illustrate the benefits and transformative power of your product/service, encouraging new users to make a purchase during the Black Friday sale.

The email should resonate with customers seeking to maximize value in their respective fields.
An email should be educational yet captivating, focusing on engaging the reader effectively. The sentences should be concise and easy to understand. The content should not only inform the reader but also engage them in a way that naturally leads to a desired call to action. The tone should be friendly and approachable, and the structure should guide the reader through the content smoothly.

Key elements to include: Don’t mention them in the email. Guide the reader through the content smoothly.

Subject Line: Write a personalized subject line that encourages potential new users to take action this Black Friday, including a placeholder for the recipient’s first name.

Greeting: Begin with a direct greeting, addressing the recipient by name.

Introduce a Success Story: Start by introducing a character similar to ‘Steve’, a relatable figure who has experienced remarkable success or improvement thanks to your product/service. This character should reflect the typical challenges and aspirations of your target audience.

Highlight the Transformation: Describe the key issues the character faced before using your product/service and how switching to your product/service during a previous Black Friday sale led to significant improvements, such as enhanced efficiency, better results, or greater satisfaction.

Quote/Testimonial: Include a convincing quote or testimonial from the character, highlighting specific features they found beneficial. Ensure these features are adaptable to various industries or personal needs.

Invitation to Join: Encourage the recipients to emulate this success story by taking advantage of your Black Friday deals. Emphasize the exclusive discounts and special offers available.

Visualize Success: Prompt the recipients to imagine the positive impact your product/service could have on their own [relevant field or activity], such as achieving greater success, freedom, or recognition.

Call to Action: Motivate potential new users to seize this opportunity to redefine their success with your product/service this Black Friday.

Closing Statement: Conclude with an enthusiastic message about looking forward to having them on board and achieving more together.

Signature: Include a friendly sign-off with a placeholder for the sender’s name and their position or affiliation with the product/service.

[value proposition or customer avatar]


6) Prompt for Creating a Cyber Monday Email


PROMPT: Compose a promotional email for a Cyber Monday sale, applicable to [value proposition or customer avatar]. The email should highlight the final opportunity to take advantage of special discounts and features before the sale ends.

The email should resonate with customers seeking to maximize value in their respective fields.
An email should be educational yet captivating, focusing on engaging the reader effectively. The sentences should be concise and easy to understand. The content should not only inform the reader but also engage them in a way that naturally leads to a desired call to action. The tone should be friendly and approachable, and the structure should guide the reader through the content smoothly,

Key elements to include: Don’t mention them in the email. Guide the reader through the content smoothly,

Subject Line: Craft a compelling subject line that emphasizes significant savings and the urgency of Cyber Monday, with a placeholder for the discount percentage.

Greeting: Begin with a personalized greeting, using a placeholder for the recipient’s first name.

Introduction: Announce the arrival of Cyber Monday, emphasizing that it’s the last chance to enjoy the special offers. Mention the unique opportunity to take advantage of the sale before it ends at midnight.

Product/Service Benefits:

Detail key features and advantages of your product/service that appeal to a broad audience, such as real-time capabilities, accuracy across platforms, advanced testing options, and easy integration with other tools or services.

Focus on how these features can improve the user’s experience or performance in their specific industry or field.

Exclusive Offer Reminder: Stress the exclusivity and limited-time nature of the Cyber Monday deals, encouraging recipients to act quickly.

Flexible Pricing: Mention the availability of flexible pricing plans, catering to different budgets and maximizing value for every customer.

Call to Action: Urge recipients to seize this final opportunity to meet their goals with your product/service, emphasizing the once-a-year nature of Cyber Monday.

Closing Statement: Conclude with a motivational message about thinking big and achieving more with your product/service.

Postscript: Add a P.S. section to reiterate the value of your product/service and the unique opportunity available on Cyber Monday.

Signature: End with a professional signature, including a placeholder for the sender’s name and their role or affiliation with the product/service.

[value proposition or customer avatar]

Need help implementing these prompts. Contact me for afree consultation.

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Free Black Friday email templates:

Blank Email Template 1: Black Friday Announcement (No Date Specified)

Subject: Black Friday Is Coming: Get Ready for Unmatched Deals!

Email Body:

Hi [Name],

Exciting times ahead at [Your Company]! This Black Friday, prepare for an array of exclusive deals designed to boost your [Specific Industry/Field].

Imagine having access to [Key Features/Products/Services] that will elevate your [Relevant Field/Activity]. Stay tuned for more details, and get ready to experience the best of [Your Company] this Black Friday!

Best regards,

[Your Signature]

Blank Email Template 2: Black Friday Announcement (With Date Specified)

Subject: Mark Your Calendars: Black Friday Deals from [Date] at [Your Company]!

Email Body:

Hi [Name],

Black Friday at [Your Company] is set to be spectacular! From [Start Date] to [End Date], expect groundbreaking deals on our [Products/Services].

This is your chance to leverage [Key Features/Benefits] and revolutionize your [Relevant Field/Industry]. Don’t miss out on this limited-time opportunity!


[Your Signature]

Blank Email Template 3: Early Black Friday Access (Without Exclusivity)

Subject: Early Black Friday Access at [Your Company] Starts Now!

Email Body:

Hi [Name],

As a valued customer, we’re thrilled to offer you early access to [Your Company]’s Black Friday deals, starting [Early Access Date].

Get a head start on savings with exclusive discounts on [Products/Services]. This is your chance to make the most of [Your Company]’s offerings before anyone else!

Best wishes,

[Your Signature]

Blank Email Template 4: Early Black Friday Access (With Exclusivity)

Subject: 🌟 Exclusive Early Black Friday Access for Our Subscribers!

Email Body:

Hi [Name],

It’s time for an exclusive sneak peek! As a subscriber, you get first dibs on [Your Company]’s Black Friday deals, available only to our community before [Official Start Date].

Take advantage of this early access to secure the best deals on [Products/Services]. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to shop early and save big!


[Your Signature]

Blank Email Template 5: For Trial Users

Subject: 🚀 Special Black Friday Offer for Our Trial Users!

Email Body:

Hi [Name],

This Black Friday, [Your Company] is offering an exclusive deal for our trial users like you! Upgrade now and unlock premium features at an unbeatable price.

Don’t miss this chance to fully experience everything [Your Company] has to offer. Upgrade before [End Date] and take your [Relevant Activity/Industry] to the next level!


[Your Signature]

Blank Email Template 6: For Other Users

Subject: Black Friday Special: Exclusive Yearly Package Deal!

Email Body:

Hi [Name],

This Black Friday, we’re offering an exclusive yearly package deal at [Your Company]. Enjoy significant savings and full access to our comprehensive suite of [Products/Services].

Don’t miss this chance to commit to a year of growth and success with [Your Company]. Upgrade before [End Date] for unparalleled value!

Best regards,

[Your Signature]

Blank Email Template 7: Pre-Black Friday Deals

Subject: Get Ahead with Pre-Black Friday Savings at [Your Company]!

Email Body:

Hi [First Name],

Black Friday is just around the corner, and [Your Company] is here to give you a head start! Enjoy fantastic discounts on our [Products/Services] before the big day.

Seize this opportunity to enhance your [Specific Industry/Field] strategies with our top-quality [Products/Services]. Remember, these exclusive pre-Black Friday prices are available only once a year!


[Your Signature]

Blank Email Template 8: For Existing Users (Sent on Black Friday)

Subject: [First Name], Your Exclusive Black Friday Deal Awaits!

Email Body:

Hi [Name],

As a valued user of [Your Company], we’ve prepared an exclusive Black Friday offer just for you. Upgrade your experience with us and access the best deals of the year.

Don’t forget, sharing is caring! Use your referral link to spread the word and enjoy the benefits together. This Black Friday, let’s make it big with [Your Company].


[Your Signature]

Blank Email Template 9: For Potential New Users (Sent on Black Friday)

Subject: [First Name], Unleash Your Potential This Black Friday with [Your Company]!

Email Body:

Hi [Name],

Have you heard about [Successful Customer/Testimonial]? Just like them, you can transform your [Relevant Field/Activity] with [Your Company]. This Black Friday, step into a world of success with exclusive discounts on our [Products/Services].

Join us and experience the difference that [Your Company] can make in your [Industry/Field]. Don’t miss out on this chance to redefine success!

Best wishes,

[Your Signature]

Blank Email Template 10: Cyber Monday Special

Subject: Cyber Monday Exclusive: Last Chance for Huge Savings at [Your Company]!

Email Body:

Hi [First Name],

Cyber Monday is here, and it’s your last chance to take advantage of [Your Company]’s incredible Black Friday deals!

Don’t miss out on our Google-certified [Products/Services] at the best prices. Today is the day to meet your [Industry/Field] goals without breaking the bank. Act now – these deals vanish at midnight!

Best regards,

[Your Signature]


our lead generation services
As we reach the end of our exploration into Black Friday email marketing, the stage is set for you to shine. You’ve gained insights and strategies to craft emails that not only reach but resonate with your audience. Now, it’s your time to act. You have two paths before you: embark on this adventure independently, armed with the knowledge you’ve gathered, or let’s join forces to elevate your campaign to new heights and increase click-to-open rates.

Collaborating with me means tapping into a deeper understanding of your target audience and refining your value proposition for maximum impact. Together, we can transform your Black Friday emails from simple communications to compelling narratives that engage and convert. If you aim for results that truly stand out this Black Friday, I’m here to help guide you there.

So, are you ready to take the next step? Whether you choose to go solo or seek professional guidance, success is within your grasp. Let’s make this Black Friday not just another day on the calendar but a turning point in your marketing success.

Eager to see you succeed,

Elizabeta Kuzevska



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